Primary Contact: Linda Ward
Our Mission
Our mission is to welcome new Parishioner families so that they can take advantage of all St. Joseph Church has to offer and to participate in one or more of the various ministries and organizations that support the Parish.
What We Do: The Welcome Committee members welcome new Parishioner families by baking bread, delivering welcome packages, and hosting welcome events throughout the year.
Where/When: At the beginning of each month (whenever we have new families who have registered with the Parish), the Welcome Committee bakes bread and prepares Welcome Packages to be hand-delivered to the new families. If you would like to bake bread for these packages and/or deliver the packages throughout the year, please let us know!
Along with the Ladies Club, we also host Welcome Events at various times throughout the year. The Welcome Events begin with Mass and are followed by a Reception. Each new family is presented with a crucifix that has been blessed by Father Patrick at the Mass. We can always use help with these events (includes pre-event calls to invitees, set up & clean up, greeting new parishioners, etc. up to 3 times per year). Information about the Welcome Events are publicized in advance.
Meetings: No Meetings required. Activities are communicated.
To Join Us: Please reach out to the Primary Contact.