Primary Contact: Linda Ward
Mission Statement
Our mission is to welcome new Parishioner families so that they can take advantage of all St. Joseph Church has to offer and to participate in one or more of the various ministries and organizations that support the Parish.
What We Do: The Welcome Committee members provide a warm welcome to new Parishioner families by baking bread, delivering welcome packages, and hosting welcome events throughout the year.
Where/When: Events are held in the Family Life Center. Activities include: 1) Baking Bread for Welcome Packages (one time per month), 2) Delivering Welcome Packages (one time per month), and 3) Hosting Welcome Events throughout the year (includes pre-event calls to invitees, set up & clean up, greeting new parishioners, etc. up to 3 times per year) Note: Notifications are sent out regarding Where/When activities will occur
Meetings: The Primary Contact or other members provide information on meeting dates, times etc. as these may change or be adjusted OR Note: No meetings required
Any other important Information: you would like to include for your particular organization/committee