About Our Church

Rejoice in Hope; Endure in Affliction; Persevere in Prayer. (Romans 12:12 (NAB)
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Our Mission & Vision

St. Joseph’s Parish is an active, welcoming community of Catholic families and individuals eager to embrace the love of God through worship and service.

Active Parishioners

In the day-to-day operation of the parish, the term “Active Parishioner” is used in a number of instances. When determining the cost of renting facilities (sanctuary, gym, mall, classrooms, Scout Hut), whether or not a person is an “Active Parishioner” is taken into consideration.

When we send our children to a Catholic school, the school checks with the parish to see if the parents are “Active Parishioners” prior to giving the parents a “break” on tuition.

When someone is asked to be a sponsor (Baptism, Confirmation, RCIA) by other parishes, the other parish wants to know if the potential sponsor is an “Active Parishioner.”

Because the term “Active Parishioner” is used in so many instances in this parish and the diocese, we feel that a definition of the term would be useful to all.

The criteria for an Active Parishioner are:

  • Weekly participation in worship through attendance at a Sunday Mass
  • Participation in worship through attendance on Holy Days of Obligation
  • Volunteer at St. Joseph Church on a regular basis. (TIME)
  • Active involvement in a parish ministry or organization. (TALENT)
  • Weekly or monthly use of parish envelopes. (TREASURE)


The contribution of TREASURE is done in an accountable way, i.e. parish envelope. (Our volunteer collection counters may not recognize your check if it is placed loosely in the collection baskets and your contributions will not be posted to your name. Due to various checks and balances, one group does the actual counting while another person posts the amount written on each envelope to the parishioner’s contributions. If you choose not to use the parish envelope, your check is considered “loose” and counted as unknown contributions. Thus, we have no way of determining your weekly contributions. If you want to be considered an “Active Parishioner,” please use your envelopes.)

Online Giving is available. For more information, please follow the link on our online giving page.

Parish Registration

St. Joseph Parish welcomes all newcomers and invites you to register. Registration forms are available in the parish office or at the back of the church by the front doors. Those seeking to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, and Matrimony MUST be registered members of St. Joseph for at least six months prior to reception of these sacraments. Godparents/Sponsors must be registered at least six months prior to being a Godparent/Sponsor and MUST be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. (This means that you must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.) If married, he/she must have been married in the Catholic Church by either a priest or a deacon. Or, if married outside the Catholic Church, you must have received a dispensation from the Catholic Church.

Celebrating Sacraments

Baptism: You must be a registered and active member of St. Joseph. Baptisms are not celebrated during Lent.

Baptism Class for the parents: Class is offered on the first Tuesday of every month as requested. Classes are held in the Family Life Center. Pre-registration is required. Call the office to pre-register. (843)556-4611

First Communion: Preparation begins in the first grade and continues into the second grade for a total of two years of preparation. Registration for Religious Education classes for those not attending Catholic schools takes place in August. Those in 2nd grade on Catholic schools must contact the Director of Religious Education, Rita Schoene, in September. The first day of class is the first Wednesday in September following Labor Day.

Confirmation: Preparation begins in the seventh grade and continues into eights grade for a total of two years of preparation. Registration for Religious Education classes for those not attending Catholic schools takes place in August. Those in 8th grade on Catholic schools must contact the Director of Religious Education, Rita Schoene, in September. The first day of class is the first Wednesday in September following Labor Day. Adults who have not been confirmed, and would like to receive the sacrament, are asked to contact the Director of Religious Education, Rita.

Marriage: You must be registered and active for at least six months prior to preparation of the sacrament. Couples should speak to the priest to be sure there are no impediments to the marriage before any contracts are signed or reservations are made. Then the couple will meet with the priest and begin formal preparation at least six months prior to their wedding date.

Reconciliation: Confession are heard each Saturday from 4:00-4:30 pm or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick: This sacrament is celebrated individually upon request.

Diocesan Numbers

Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services – (843) 853-2130 x 209

Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister – (800) 921-8122

Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services – (843) 853-2130 x 209

Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister – (800) 921-8122

From head to toe


Pray for their mind

Pray that your children would earnestly seek wisdom and understanding; that they would value knowledge and discernment; and that their thoughts would stay centered on the truth of God’s Word. (Proverbs 2:1-6; Proverbs 3:21; James 1:5; Psalm 119:97)

Pray for their ears

Pray that your children would be quick to hear and that they would incline their ears to listen to instruction (James 1:19; Isaiah 55:3; Proverbs 8:32-34)

Pray for their legs

Pray that your children would not walk in step with the wicked nor stand in the way of sinners, but that they’d find wise and godly companions along life’s journey. (Psalm 1:1)

Pray for their heart

Ask God to give your children a happy, cheerful heart. Pray that they’d come to faith early and would trust easily and completely in Him. (Proverbs 15:13; Psalm 28:7)

Pray for their eyes

Ask God to guard your children’s eyes and protect their innocence. Pray that they would focus their attention on doing what is right. (Romans 16:19; Proverbs 4:25)

Pray for their mouths

Ask God to keep their tongues from evil and their lips from speaking lies. Pray that all their words would be pleasing to Him and be edifying to others. (Psalm 34:13; 19:14)

Pray for their feet

Ask God to direct their steps, to help them stand fast, and protect them from stumbling, (Psalm 17:5; Psalm 37:23-24; Psalm 121:3, Psalm 119:133)

Pray for their hands

Pray they would be diligent in their work and that their hands would not be idle, but that God would bless, confirm and establish the work of their hands. (Ecclesiastes 9:10; Ecclesiastes 11:6; Proverbs 10:4-5)

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