Primary Contact: Stephen J. Boyle
Our Mission
Teach respect for all human life from conception to natural death and organize programs for its protection. To serve this goal, we support the Church’s mission to proclaim that every human life is a precious gift from God.
Our History & Background: Fr Gabe Smith was an extraordinarily dedicated supporter of the Respect Life Ministry here at St Joseph for 27 years. Father Patrick has continued to give complete support to this Ministry.
What We Do: 40 Days for Life-St Joseph Day of Prayer-Join with fellow parishioners twice a year, as we pray for 12 hours at the Planned Parenthood clinic located within our parish boundaries. St Joseph’s family has participated over 30 times since 2008!
Priests for Life Monthly Rosary-Catholic parishioners from all over the Lowcountry, join once a month to pray the Rosary at the Abortion Clinic. We are led Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and lay people since 2003!
Keep Christ in Christmas Magnets-Reminding the world the real “Reason for the Season”. All proceeds are donated to Birthright of Charleston and Dazz (a West Ashley office of the Lowcountry Pregnancy Center). We have sponsored the event in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 & 2018.
Advent Fundraiser for Birthright Baby Bottles for Life-We have participated in this ministry many times over the years. Our parishioners have always been very generous.
Proudly Pro-Life Weekend-Stand Up for Life March & Rally–held in January Columbia, South Carolina. Parishioners & Knights have participated in the March & Rally since 1996.
Please consider joining fellow parishioners as we courageously “Stand Up to Defend All Human Life”
To Join: Please reach out to the Primary Contact.

Steve Boyle

Rosary Gang!

Father Patrick Rosery

St Joseph Day of Prayer October 17th, 2021

December 2015 Baby Bottles for Life