Gardening Angels

GiveGet In Touch
Ed Sclesky

Ed Sclesky

Primary Contact

 Phone: 843-729-5782



Our Mission

Aid in the Maintenance of St. Joseph Property

What We Do: Gather pinecones, limbs, random debris from existing gardens, trim and pull wild growth within the existing gardens, rake and dispose of leaves and acorns that collect around the side oak trees.

Where: St. Joseph Parish Grounds

When Do You Perform Your Activities: Watch for bulletin reminders beginning in the springtime to attend a scheduled event.

When Do you Meet: No scheduled meetings. Just come to the event announced in the bulletin.

Other Important Information: Bring gloves, drinking water and your favorite rake or hand trimmer.

This is a great opportunity to work outside and get to know a few fellow parishioners. This is also an opportunity for youth and adults looking for comminity service hours.














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