My Beloved friends,

If there is one teaching that most defines what we believe as Catholics,
it is that Jesus Christ is really present in the Blessed
Sacrament. It is no mere symbol of His
presence. It is not merely a commemoration of
the Last Supper. Rather, we believe that,
during the Mass, ordinary bread and wine
become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of
Jesus Christ. Jesus is truly present in the
Blessed Sacrament. It is a teaching that we, as
Catholics, take quite literally.

It is not always a sin to have doubts or
to have trouble believing. It is a sin, however, if
we refuse to believe. There is a beautiful tradition of saying the words,
“My Lord, and my God” when the priest holds up the host and the
chalice during Mass.

Those are the words of Saint Thomas
who doubted that Jesus had really risen from
the dead. He helped Saint Thomas to believe,
and he can help you too. If you are one of
those struggling to believe, simply ask Jesus to
open your mind and heart to the truth of His
teaching. Jesus will be happy to answer that
Happy Sunday.
Fr. Pat.