Ladies Club

GiveGet In Touch
Ginger King:

Ginger King:

Primary Contact





Our Mission

We support the communal life and celebrations in the church by hosting receptions and/or serving where needed.

What we Do:
We use money we raise through fundraisers such as bake sales and Lenten fish fry dessert sales to support a variety of ministries and organizations – St. Joseph’s St. Vincent de Paul, Youth Ministry and Annual Auction; Birthright and Catholic Charities to name a few. We also annually present Bibles to our new confirmands. 


Where/When – Activities:   As needed. Specific information will be communicated.

Meetings: Please reach out to the Primary Contact for specific dates and times.

As with any ministry, your prayers are always appreciated.

All ladies of the parish are invited. If you are unable to make meetings, perhaps you could watch the bulletin for requests of support for any of our events and participate as you are able. It would also be helpful to us if you were willing to provide us with your email address to add to a mailing list.

To Join Us: Please reach out to the Primary Contact.

Get In Touch

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