Altar Servers

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Primary Contact: Kevin Seibert

Primary Contact: Kevin Seibert




Our Mission

To assist the Celebrant (Father Patrick or visiting priest) and the Deacons as they celebrate holy Mass and to set an example for the congregation in service and attentiveness through proper responses and posture.

What We Do:  Altar Servers are needed to serve at all Holy Day and Sunday Masses. We like to have four altar servers at each Mass. We are always seeking to add more Altar Servers – young and not-so-young – because it is a wonderful opportunity to become involved serving Christ at the altar and the more volunteers we have, the fewer Masses each will be scheduled for.

Where/When: Altar Servers serve at all Holy Day and Sunday Masses.  Scheduling is very flexible.  Our greatest need has been the 5:30 PM Mass on Saturday evenings because many of our Servers attend religious education on Sunday mornings and wish to serve either before or after their classes.

Meetings:  Training is provided to all Altar Servers until you feel comfortable performing the required duties.  Other meetings, if needed, will be communicated in advance. If you would like a meeting before the next is scheduled, please reach out and one will be set for you.

To Join Us: Please reach out to the Primary Contact.

Patron of Altar Servers – Saint John Berchman

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